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AWS Academy Cloud Architecting

Academy Cloud Architecting covers the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on Amazon Web Services, or AWS. The course is designed to teach solutions architects how to optimize the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how these services fit into cloud-based solutions. Because architectural solutions can differ depending on industry, type of applications, and size of business, this course emphasizes best practices for the AWS Cloud, and it recommends various design patterns to help you think through the process of architecting optimal IT solutions on AWS. It also presents case studies throughout the course, which showcase how some AWS customers have designed their infrastructures, and the strategies and services that they implemented. Finally, this course also provides opportunities to build a variety of infrastructures via a guided, hands-on approach.

ACA Module 3 LAB: Making Your Environment Highly Available

In this lab, you will start with an application running on a single Amazon EC2 instance and will then convert it to be Highly Available.

ACA Module 4 LAB: Using Notifications to Trigger AWS Lambda

In this lab, you will create an AWS Lambda function that will automatically snapshot and tag new Amazon EC2 instances launched by Auto Scaling.

ACA Module 5 LAB: Automating Infrastructure Deployment with AWS CloudFormation

This lab shows how to deploy multiple layers of infrastructure with CloudFormation, update a stack and delete a stack (while retaining some resources). It also demonstrates how Service Catalog can be used to provide pre-packed ‘products’ based on CloudFormation templates.

ACA Module 7 LAB: Implementing a Serverless Architecture with AWS Managed Services

In this lab, you will use AWS managed services to implement a serverless architecture. Your system will receive a transactions file, automatically load its contents into a database and send notifications. This will be done without using any Amazon EC2 servers.

ACA Module 10 LAB: Introducing Amazon CloudFront

In this lab you will create an Amazon CloudFront distribution that will use a CloudFront domain name in the url to distribute a publicly accessible image file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.

ACA Module 11 LAB: Multi-region failover with Amazon Route 53

In this lab, you will configure and test a cross-region disaster recovery scenario.