AWS Workshop 原廠工程師將全程引領你進入人工智慧的世界!! 日期:2023年5月23日(二) 時間:中午12:45至15時 地點:L408電腦教室 主辦單位:實踐大學商務智慧特色中心...
Store and query data in Amazon S3
Store and query data in Amazon S3 1.Login Amazon AWS Cloud 2.Access Amazon S3 in the AWS...
AWS Rekognition Service
AWS Rekognition Service 2.AWS Rekognition Demo 3.AWS Rekognition and Python(I)_Create a SageMaker...
RDS 1.Create a AWS RDS Database 2.Access Database 3.Using Workbench to connect to AWS...
AWS Non-Relational Database Service-DynamoDB
AWS Non-Relational Database Service-DynamoDB 1.CreateDB 2.Attribute value discussion...
AWS Storage-S3
AWS Storage-S3 1.Create a bucket in S3 2.Upload file and access the file through URL
AWS Elastic IP
AWS Elastic IP 1.Observe the changing of IP address 2.Allocate an Elastic IP
Create a Web in AWS
Create a Web in AWS 1.Establishing a EC2 instance 2.Connecting to EC2 Using PuTTY 3.Install LAMP...
Interact with AWS
Interact with AWS 1.Sign in AWS Academy Learner Lab 2.Start the Lab. Environment 3.AWS Managemant...
學期間每週三13:30-16:30 現場諮詢 L407專業教室 線上諮詢 Google meet 代碼 kpd-iyqx-ymk Email :...